How You Can Help
UK Registered Charity number: 1138096
Our budget for 2025-26 is £4,000 per month for basic school running costs. These include:
- Salaries and social security contributions for 14 teachers, 1 office assistant, 4 watchmen and 3 cooks
- Costs of porridge ingredients
- Printing and photocopying, mostly of exam papers and reports
- Maintenance of buildings and staff bicycles
We also provide:
- Desks
- Text books
- Sports equipment and clothing
- Musical instruments
- School trips and sports matches
- Solar power including maintenance and repair
About £2,750 per month is contributed by the parents and at the moment the rest is provided by Children of Choba.
We are looking for supporters to give at least £10 a month by standing order. Please contact us for our bank details.
Please send donations to:
Children of Choba
20 Horseshoe Walk
Please contact us if:
- you are interested in helping to build a classroom
- you are a qualified Primary, Nursery or TEFL teacher willing to volunteer
- you are a school interested in linking with Children of Choba Primary and Nursery School
A big thank you to all our supporters! You are all welcome to visit Choba at any time!
- Hilden Charitable Fund
- Kitchen Table Charities Trust
- Moat Homes
- Jephcott Charitable Trust
- Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust
- Barbara Ward Children's Foundation
- Marr-Munning Trust
- SMB Trust
- St Augustine's Catholic College, Trowbridge
- Royal Commonwealth Society, Bath
- Eleanor Rathbone Trust
- Souter Charitable Trust
- Tula Trust
- Van Neste Foundation
- Sir Michael Uren
- Cumber Family Charitable Trust
- Community Projects Africa
- Mondochallenge Foundation
- University College School Junior Branch, London
- The Waterloo Foundation
- Rotary Club of Bradford on Avon
- Communities Rising, an initiative of St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Arlington, Virginia, USA
- Trevose Golf Club, Cornwall
- Wilhelminaschool, Bennekom, The Netherlands
- Rockpool Kids - children’s shoes
- Upstage
- Kate Negus Saddlery
- Bridgette Anne Smart Fine Art
- Delanns Jewels
- Sue Wood, Rachel Saville and Paul Mawson
- George and Johann Hopf
- Paul Lever
- Ann Anscombe
- Allan Anscombe
- Valerie Brandon
- Sally Johnson
- Karyn and Guy Young
- Madi Whitcombe
- Becky Whitcombe
- Marilyn DiCara
- Stephen Walker
- Jacqueline Esimaje-Heath
- Steven Gee
- Gary Martin
- Jemma Bartholomew
- Debbie Radcliffe
- Lindsay Scott and family
- Joshua Hurst
- Adam and Leah Hurst
- Carole Pomfret
- Alice Prodger and family
- Carly Nattrass
- Anna Andreocci and Mario Bianchi
- Jacqueline Wraight
- Lisa, Melanie and Margaret Mirande
- Anne-Britt Karunaratne and Marc
- Charlie Norfolk, Lucie Petrie, Frank Bourke, Monica Moore
- Amanda Coughlin Blitzer
- Mark Walker
- Karen Cameron
- Francesca Rose Lewis and Mark Whistler
- Di Holmes
- Chloe Jones and Chris Gallop
- Maureen and Ken Scott
- Haylie Bush, Suzanne Prothero, Samantha Howard, Kelly Connon, Dan Menter, Chris O'Brien
- Neeta and Jag Dhanak
- Sally Walker
- Suzanne Peters
- Jo de Lapuente
- Jane Reay Jones
- Clare Flynn
- Gwen Adshead
- Kathie and Phil Hudson-Balilie
- Kirsty Badham
- John Fritsi
- Julie York
- Fay Paterson
- Warren Bassett
- Michelle Fitzgerald
- Jo Cox
- Fadoua Govaerts,
- Jaymini Kagdadia
- Vivienne Bailey